International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World, 2001 - 2010
On November 29, 2000 the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 55/47 – “International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World, 2001 – 2010” during its 174th meeting. The Resolution states:
“Reaffirming the Declaration (Resolution 53/243 A) and Programme of Action (Resolution 53/243 B) on a Culture of Peace, recognizing that they serve, inter alia, as the basis for the observance of the Decade, and convinced that effective and successful observance of the Decade throughout the world will promote a culture of peace and non-violence that benefits humanity, in particular future generations…
“Invites Member States to place greater emphasis on and expand their activities promoting a culture of peace and non-violence, in particular during the Decade, at the national, regional and international levels and to ensure that peace and non-violence is fostered at all levels;
“Invites civil society at the local, regional and national levels to widen the scope of their activities to promote a culture of peace and non-violence, engaging in partnerships and sharing information, thus contributing to a global movement for a culture of peace, and encourages civil society, including non-governmental organizations, to further the objectives of the Decade by adopting their own programme of activities to complement the initiatives of Member States, the organizations of the United Nations system and other global and regional organizations;
“Stresses the importance of the media and of new information and communications technology in further promoting a culture of peace and non-violence, especially among children and young people;”
The campaign moved on pursuant to the UN Declaration.