United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC)

On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the “International Convention on the Rights of Children”.  Article 13 states:

  1. “The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.”

            The foregoing article of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) reinforced the proposition that children – 10 years old and above – have the right to be involved in the DIYES FOR PEACE campaign.

On August 21, 1990, the Philippines ratified UNCRC.  The 12 Rights of Filipino Children include the following:

Every child has the right to good governance. Children also have a right to be born under the presence of good governance that can inspire them to become a helpful and active citizen. This doesn’t necessarily mean they have to get involved with politics but rather have an interest in being involved in political discussions for the betterment of their country.

Every child has the right to freedom and peace. Last but not the least, every child is entitled to do whatever they want in their lives, so long as it contributes to the peace and betterment of the communities they are a part of.


The foregoing Rights of the Child were seriously taken into account and incorporated as a major component in the development of DI-YES FOR PEACE.  It should be noted at this point that at the outset of the campaign all Filipinos, 10 years and older, were included.